Steel Beams, or channels, are used to stabilize your foundation walls when bowing occurs. When pressure build up is left untreated for a very long period of time the wall will start to give, a horizontal crack will appear and bowing of the wall will follow. Once this happens you are left with an unstable foundation and a pricey repair bill. Steel Beams are installed along the interior of the basement wall(s) to make the foundation stable again. If there is a significate bow a wall push will also be needed. To do this the exterior is excavated to the footer exposing the wall and on the interior steel beams are set by opening pockets in the floor. Once set the steel beams will be pushed into place and the wall straightened from the pushing of the steel beams. The steel beams will then be anchored to the footer and the floor joists and the basement floor re-poured. The exterior foundation wall will then be waterproofed, backfilled with extra gravel (to help keep pressure off of the wall) and topped with a finished grade. All of this can seem overwhelming however is necessary if bowing has taken place. As with any home repair make sure you really understand the method of repairs that companies are trying to sell you; not all companies have your homes best interest in mind. Many sales representatives in this line of work are there just to sell you a one size fits all solution and have no real idea of what work is needed or how their own company would really install the work they are trying to sell you. All of AquaProof’s sales representatives have worked in the field installing our systems and completely understand what is needed and how it will be installed. Read reviews, ask your family, neighbors and co-workers for referrals and don’t get fooled by a sales pitch.